Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary
Hội Dòng Nữ Tu Bác Ái Chúa Giêsu và Mẹ Maria
Region of Our Lady of La Vang, Vietnam
Miền Đức Mẹ La Vang, Việt Nam

Vietnam Go Green


On the 1st of September, the whole Region was together to start the Season of Creation with a meaningful and beautiful morning prayer service. The altar was poetically set up with gorgeous flowers in a shape of open nurturing hands embracing the globe. 

The prayer began with the graceful procession dance. Each Sister held a flower in their hand, dancing and offering to the altar of God as a token of profound gratitude and complete oneness with the whole creation. This was also a symbolic gesture of committing ourselves to a sustainable living in our own context. 

During the prayer service, different symbols were in turn taken and offered like water, soil, seeds, plants and animals, a cross and the Regional Statutes. This was to deepen the awareness in the Region to live eco-spirituality as individuals and as a Region. 

Praying for the earth and praying with the earth intimately connected us all with the earth and with one another. 

Source: SCJM Vietnam