Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary
Hội Dòng Nữ Tu Bác Ái Chúa Giêsu và Mẹ Maria
Region of Our Lady of La Vang, Vietnam
Miền Đức Mẹ La Vang, Việt Nam

The story of Hope



Hope is a powerful force. It can pull us from the depths of despair or fuel our dreams. With hope anything is possible, without it life is a dull prospect.

Biblical stories are all stories of hope and the WORD itself is our hope. Among all the biblical stories, perhaps the story of Abraham is the most powerful and beautiful story about hope.

Abraham was already old. God was calling him: “Leave, there is something awaiting you”.  And Abraham left. He left his country without knowing where to go or how his life would be affected. Abraham only knew that God wanted to give him what he had longed for during his entire life and he welcomed this promise. Inspite of his age, he was still able to hope for the impossible-hope agaist hope, and this heartfeft readiness or this ability of rebirth was more pleasing to God than any good works.

So what does the story of Abraham teach us in this time of Corona pademic where the whole humanity are suffered the same pain? We become weary of everything as we see the increasing number of death each day together with the cry of the poor, the vulnerable whoe are severly affected by it. We seem to be helpless in the situation. Yet when we have lost everything, when all is dire and bleak there is always hope.

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sing the tune without the words and never stops at all. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out. God is speaking to us in this situation. He is telling of what we do not really know. God is testing us, He knocks on our hearts to see what the echo will be: Will we be able to let go of our own wisdom and enter into His plan?

We think our works count more for God than do our words? Of course, it is but some way our desires or our hope are still more important, for they mark an available space for God in us.

All too often we recognize that natural hope is impractical. Without God in whom all things find there unity, hope disperses. Without God there are hopes but no hope, because it becomes something we all want but realize that is unattainable. For us, hope is not a delusion or dangerous passion, because it is grounded in faith. As Hebrew 11,1 says: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”.

In this time of adversity are we willing to risk living without answers? Let us ask only for the grace to rest in God’s presence like the seed in the darkness of the earth and like a child in its mother’s womb. In that darkness lies the fulness of life

for God is in every moment

Therefore live for today

Certain of finding at sunshine

Guidance and strength for the way

Power of each moment of weakness

Hope for each moment of pain

Comfort for every sorrow

Sunshine and joy after the rain

Trust God for He still so loves the world.


                                                                                                                  Sr. Anna Thủy. SCJM